Monday, April 23, 2018

April 26th (rotisserie chicken and sides)

We will be meeting this week at the Coleman's (1447 NE Jackson School Rd., Hillsboro). The meal will be rotisserie chickens and sides. Here's a list of what we need for dinner. Please let us know in the comments what you would like to contribute.
- rotisserie chicken(s)
- sides (ideas: mashed potatoes, fruit, green salad, green bean casserole, pasta salad, stuffing, bread, veggies, other favorites)
- drinks
- dessert

We will be continuing to work though Hebrews 10 starting at verse 19.


  1. I'll bring green beans and butternut squash and something for dessert!

  2. It’s been a crazy work week for Tim and I don’t think we will make it Thursday. We’ll miss you all!

  3. I'll pick up a watermelon and I'll do a green salad.
